2017 H2O Awards

Purpose and Intent:

Who may nominate:

Criteria to be nominated:

Award Presentation Date:

Selection Process:

Nomination Form
Deadline July 28, 2017, 4:30 EDT

Name of Nominating Entity (state employees affiliated with state agencies directly involved with the project are excluded from making nominations):
Date of Nomination Submission:
KIA Project Number and Title:
Project Profile Link in WRIS:
Project Funding Partners:
Contact Person, Phone and E-mail:
Date Project Construction Began:
Date Project Became Operational:
How does this project maximize best-practices in construction, technology and operation?
How does this project illustrate the resources available through KIA's WRIS via infrastructure planning and asset management?
Describe how this project promotes regionalization and sustainable planning?
What methods were applied for this project to participate in regional planning?
Name of Water Resource Coordinator contact at the Area Development District for project:
Name of contact with the Water Resource Council for this project:
What other funding sources did the project use? What was their portion of the budget?
Number and types of customers served:
Briefly explain how this project positively affects and benefits the customers served by the Utility:
Additional comments to support this nomination: