Applications Now Being Accepted For Energy Efficiency And Conservation Grants

Press Release - 12/07/2016

Applications Now Being Accepted For Energy Efficiency And Conservation Grants
(Frankfort) -
Department for Local Government (DLG) Commissioner Sandra K. Dunahoo today announced that applications are being accepted for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation for Local Governments (EEC) Program. This program is part of an on-going effort by the Department for Local Government in cooperation with the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet to assist city and county governments reduce their energy consumption, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as benefitting taxpayers through lower utility costs for local governments. While only county and city governments are eligible to apply for EEC funding, a local government may apply on behalf of a non-profit agency or a public or quasi-public entity within their jurisdiction.

Eligible project activities are those that are likely to result in maximum energy efficiency improvements, fossil-fuel emission reductions, economic benefits and total energy use reduction are eligible. Projects that are part of a comprehensive plan for energy reduction will receive preference. Funds may be used to “buy down” an energy savings performance contract. An administrative fee not to exceed five percent (5%) of the award total may be included to cover the cost of a third party administrator.

The program provides for a minimum grant of $10,000 to the maximum grant of $100,000. Multi-jurisdictional projects may request an amount not to exceed the maximum grant multiplied by the number of jurisdictions involved in the project.

Applications will be accepted beginning December 7, 2016 and ending January 31, 2017. EEC applications and related materials are available at Applicants that previously applied for EEC Program funds that were not selected may update the previous application or request that the application be reconsidered as is.

Any questions should be directed to Amy Barnes at extension 219 or or Melanie Lane at extension 265 or


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