The e-Clearinghouse coordinates the State-level review of Federal Grant projects that will take place in Kentucky.
All Federal program applications in Kentucky are subject to Executive Order 12372 - Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs (unless the application specifically states not subject to EO 12372), and KRS45.031.
The e-Clearinghouse provides an efficient way for Federal Grant applicants to comply with funding agency requirements. It identifies the state agencies that should be involved in the development of federal projects and provides them with the opportunity to review and comment on applications as well as read other agencies’ comments. The comments are then compiled into one clearinghouse letter for applicants to submit to the funding agency.
Kentucky State Clearinghouse has been designated, and is also known as the state Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to provide state and local input to the appropriate federal agency.

Please contact the
Clearinghouse team if you have any questions.