The Office of State Grants

The Office of State Grants consists of the Coal Development Branch and the Special Programs Branch.

The Coal Development Branch administers:

- Local Government Economic Development Fund (LGEDF) Program (Single-County coal severance grant funds)
- Local Government Economic Assistance Fund (LGEAF) Program (coal and mineral severance entitlements)

The Special Programs Branch administers:

- Regional Development Agency Assistance Program
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loans for Local Governments {when available}
- General House Bill (HB) Line-Items
- Area Development Funds (see section on ADDs)
- Joint Funding Administration (see section on ADDs)

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ADD Statutes and Administrative Regulations
ADF Statutes and Administrative Regulations
HB 1 Request for Disbursement Form
HOW TO ACCESS LGEDF Coal Severance Funds Under HB 1
Initial Report Interagency Working Group on Coal & Power Plant Communities & Economic Revitalization
JFA Statutes and Administrative Regulations
LGEDF and LGEAF Guidelines (FY 2022-2024)
LGEDF HB 1 Project Scope and Budget
LGEDF HB 1 Sample Resolution - Projects with Concurrence
LGEDF Project Completion Report
LGEDF Quarterly Progress Report
Priority Energy Communities by Area Development District
Priority Energy Communities by County
RDAAP Annual Project Report
RDAAP Authorizing & SPGE Resolution
RDAAP Project Scope and Budget
RDAAP Request for Disbursement
RDAAP-TVA 2023 Counties Map
Request for Disbursement form