MUPB to get state grant for flood expenses

Larry DeHart
The Morehead News - 01/27/2015

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The Morehead Utility Plant Board (MUPB) will be receiving $344,640 from the state’s disaster recovery fund.

The grant through the Kentucky Department for Local Government is for reimbursement for flood damage expenses incurred in 2010 at the wastewater treatment plant which were not covered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The board spent nearly $5.8 million for repairs, including a new generator, flood gates, and electronic equipment.

FEMA covered 90 percent of the cleanup costs while the state contributed 4.8 percent, leaving MUPB responsible for the remaining 5.2 percent.

The plant board obtained a $3 million Kentucky Infrastructure Authority (KIA) loan with 20 percent forgiveness to assist in the cleanup effort.

The plant board will be required to pay $183,775 toward the KIA flood recovery loan because it is not permitted to duplicate reimbursement.

Another $6,676 in administrative costs will be paid to the Gateway Area Development District (GADD) which handled the administrative work during the flood cleanup.

MUPB will receive $154,190 for reimbursement after the agency pays on the KIA loan and GADD administrative costs.

General Manager Mike Nickell said the documentation for the grant is complete and the board expects to receive the money within the next month.

Original article HERE.


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