Fleming - Neon Receives $1,000,000 Community Development Block Grant

Press Release - 11/07/2016

Kentucky Flag
FRANKFORT, Ky. (November 4, 2016) – The Department for Local Government (DLG) approved funding for a $ 1,000,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the City of Fleming - Neon. Funds will be used to design, construct and upgrade the existing water treatment plant at McRoberts. This upgrade will replace water process equipment, pumps, electrical supply system, back-up generators, and provide a lab and safety equipment.

The current water treatment plant was built more than 30 years ago.The mechanical components are reaching the end of their service life and showing signs of corrosion. This upgrade will allow for the continued provision of safe and clean water.

Applications for CDBG funds are submitted to DLG. To learn more, visit https://kydlgweb.ky.gov/FederalGrants/CDBG_cities.cfm.

The CDBG program provides assistance to communities for use in revitalizing neighborhoods, expanding affordable housing and economic opportunities, providing infrastructure and/or improving community facilities and services.


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