City of Booneville Receives $600,000 from Appalachian Regional Commission

Press Release - 03/27/2017

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FRANKFORT, KY. (March 24, 2017) – The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) approved a grant for $600,000 to the city of Booneville to replace the aging Elk Lick and KY 11 South Water storage tanks - originally installed 40 years ago.

“A clean and reliable water source will enhance the quality of life for all residents of Booneville,” said Commissioner Sandra Dunahoo at the Department for Local Government. “The funding for these two water storage tanks will yield many benefits in Owsley County for years to come.”

The new tanks will not only reduce maintenance costs through efficiency, but they will provide city management with additional storage capacity and much needed telemetry units to monitor the tanks remotely. Households in Booneville and Owsley County have experienced frequent low water pressure and outages due to limited capacity and corrosion of the existing tanks.

“I am pleased to hear the ARC approved this grant to the city of Booneville for two new water tanks,” said Senate President Robert Stivers. “This grant is yet another critical step to ensuring that infrastructure needs and safe, reliable drinking water is delivered to families and communities in Owsley County.”

“I’m thankful that the ARC has approved funding to replace the antiquated water tanks in Boonville,” said State Rep Toby Herald. “This will not only help raise our water capacity in the area, but will also aid in public health by providing a much more consistent and reliable water source.”

The ARC program and policy is to provide assistance for residential infrastructure project, water supply and wastewater treatment projects to assist in alleviating environmental public health concerns and ensure the acceptable quality of life for local residents.


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