Gov. Beshear Announces More Than $3.8 Million in CARES Act Reimbursements for 12 Northern Kentucky Local Governments

- 09/14/2020

Gov. Beshear Announces More Than $3.8 Million in CARES Act Reimbursements for 12 Northern Kentucky Local Governments
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Sept. 14, 2020) – In collaboration with the Department for Local Government (DLG), today, Gov. Andy Beshear announced 12 Northern Kentucky governments have been approved for $3,864,114 in reimbursements from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act for local governments with expenses related to COVID-19.

“Our local governments have been lifelines in our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Gov. Beshear. “This funding is crucial as we work to restart and rebuild Kentucky’s economy while continuing to keep Kentuckians safe.”

DLG Commissioner Dennis Keene said the reimbursements are essential for local governments.

“Local governments are experiencing decreases in revenue, making this funding critical while we combat COVID-19,” said Commissioner Keene. “Our staff is working diligently to make the process efficient so we can get reimbursements to local governments as quickly as possible.”

Henry County
Henry County will use $145,096 for cleaning supplies and sheriff’s department payroll.

Crestview Hills
Crestview Hills will use $235,853 for sanitizing supplies, personal protective equipment (PPE), telework equipment and police department payroll.

“The City of Crestview Hills would like to thank the Department for Local Government and the Governor’s office for sharing federal funding from the CARES Act with local governments,” said Mayor Paul Meier. “Crestview Hills has used this funding to provide PPE to employees and visitors. We have also used this funding to provide additional facilities at our city building to create social distancing needed to keep everyone safe. Some of the funding will be used to temporarily hire additional police until two new officers can be trained at the Police Academy when slots become available.”

Crittenden will use $12,249 for PPE.

“The City of Crittenden has received reimbursement for PPE from the CARES Act for COVID-19 expenses,” said Crittenden Mayor Camilla Patton. “Thanks to the Governor for the federal funding that helped us utilize these assets.”

Dry Ridge
Dry Ridge will use $160,136 for payroll expenses.

Elsmere will use $453,601 for family and medical leave and medical supplies.

“The City of Elsmere is very grateful for the funding provided by DLG through the CARES Act,” said Mayor Marty Lenhof. “These much needed funds will be used to maintain staffing levels and support our public works and police departments. The City of Elsmere is also exploring ways in which these funds can be utilized to provide support for local businesses and other organizations. Thank you very much to Commissioner Keene and Gov. Beshear for making this available to our city.”

Falmouth will use $77,722 for PPE, sanitizer, employee quarantine costs and police department payroll.

Fort Wright
Fort Wright will use $412,527 for police officer and fire department payroll.

La Grange
La Grange will use $262,438 for police department payroll.

Lakeside Park
Lakeside Park will use $197,000 for police, fire department and EMS payroll.


Maysville will use $631,266 for PPE, sanitizer, cleaning supplies, police and fire department payroll.

Newport will use $1,080,034 for small business relief and police and fire department payroll.

“The City of Newport’s CARES Act funding has enabled our police and fire departments to continue to provide excellent service during this difficult time,” said Newport Mayor Jerry Peluso. “We’ve also been able to assist our small businesses by providing funds for payment of monthly leases and mortgages on a short term basis. We would like to thank Gov. Beshear and his staff, especially at the Department for Local Government, for their assistance and efficiency in deployment of these funds.”

Southgate will use $196,192 for police payroll and telework equipment.

Since the application was released in May, DLG has received approximately 300 applications from city and county governments across the commonwealth. Two hundred eight local governments have been approved for reimbursement, totaling more than $106 million.

For additional information and to apply for reimbursement, visit DLG’s website.

More Information
Read about other key updates, actions and information from Gov. Beshear and his administration at and the state’s response to COVID-19 at



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