Gov. Beshear Announces Funding for Riverbank Stabilization Project Along Ohio River in Livingston County

DLG - 04/07/2023

Gov. Beshear Announces Funding for Riverbank Stabilization Project Along Ohio River in Livingston County
Project will stabilize a portion of the riverbank in the community of Ledbetter, protecting the safety of Kentuckians

FRANKFORT, Ky. (April 7, 2023) – Today, Gov. Andy Beshear announced that $303,100 in state funds will go to Livingston County for a riverbank stabilization project. Kentucky, Livingston County and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) are partnering to stabilize an 80-foot portion of the Ohio River riverbank that has been steadily eroding in recent years in the community of Ledbetter. The project will benefit homes along Riverview Drive.

“This is a project that will keep Kentuckians safe and will relieve a financial burden off Livingston County,” said Gov. Beshear. “We need to do everything we can to help our communities prosper. When we focus solely on helping Kentuckians, we move our commonwealth forward.”

The project will receive $303,100 in state funds and $463,450 from the USACE for a total of $766,550. State funding comes through Kentucky’s Flood Control Local Match Participation Program (LMPP).

“We are very thankful as a community to receive this important funding to protect our critical infrastructure here in Livingston County,” said Livingston County Judge/Executive Garrett Gruber. “We are very appreciative for all of the bipartisan support and efforts that went into making this project happen.”

USACE riverbank protection projects call for 35% matching funds to receive federal funding. LMPP dollars will fully fund the 35% match requirement.

The project will include the construction and installation of piping, rock and topsoil to stabilize the riverbank and prevent further erosion.


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