Funds will improve outdoor recreational spaces, improve sewer infrastructure, promote environmental sustainability and support local nonprofitHAZARD, Ky. (July 28, 2023) – Today, Gov. Beshear announced $1.3 million to benefit Perry County’s outdoor spaces, extend sewer lines, improve recycling efforts county-wide and bolster a nonprofit. Gov. Beshear also announced the start of a project to strengthen a bridge that will lead to the future Sky View housing community, which will provide homes for 2022 flood victims.
“One year ago, we made a promise to Eastern Kentucky that we’d be here for every step of the rebuilding process,” said Gov. Beshear. “We know that we can’t just rebuild, we also need to revitalize our communities. The funds we announced today will make Perry County a healthier, safer place for people to live.”
“These funds will help us improve our outdoor areas, better serve our people and improve community services,” said Perry County Judge/Executive Scott Alexander. “We’re also making progress on the Sky View housing property, which is a much-needed project. We are very grateful for the state support and will continue our work to make the lives better of the residents of Perry County.”
“Delivering common sense legislation to the people of Perry County has been a priority of mine while in Frankfort, and these awards serve to be a great example of what responsible governance can deliver,” said Rep. Chris Fugate of Chavies. “With the extension of our sewer line, improvements to current infrastructure, and the creation of a new community park, these awards are going to enhance the lives of all those in Perry County.”
Viper Park Development & Eagles Landing Improvements
Gov. Beshear announced his recommendation that Perry County receive $150,000 to develop a new community park in Viper, Kentucky. The project would include a new picnic shelter, walking track, handicap-accessible swing and basketball court.
The funds would also improve the Eagles Landing campground by constructing a picnic shelter, playground unit and a handicap-accessible swing.
Funding would come from the Land & Water Conservation Fund. Both projects must first undergo federal review by the National Park Service before final approval.
Perry County Park Trail Improvements
Gov. Beshear announced his selection of Perry County to receive $80,584 to improve Perry County Park. The funding would help provide non-motorized trails within the boundaries of the park. Perry County plans to develop a looped, interconnecting trail system for people to hike, jog, bike and walk.
Funding would come from the Recreational Trails Program. This project will undergo federal review by the Federal Highway Administration before final approval.
Sanitary Sewer Extension
Gov. Beshear announced $764,338 to help Perry County construct more than 23,000 feet of sewer line along Upper Second Creek Road from the railroad crossing to Edgewood Court. The project also includes the construction of 45 manholes, new stream crossings and pump stations. This will be the first phase of a three-phase project and will be funded by the Community Development Block Grant program.
Recycling Grant
Gov. Beshear announced $220,066 to improve recycling efforts in Perry County. The county will use the funds to help purchase new equipment to reduce its pollution footprint in Southeast Kentucky. The new equipment will reduce the number of recyclable materials that are placed in landfills.
The funds come through the Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Management Grants Program, which provides funding for projects that develop recycling and composting infrastructure or offer education programs, and for household hazardous waste collection events.
Nonprofit Assistance
Gov. Beshear celebrated that $100,000 has been awarded to Kentucky River Community Care in Hazard.
“Kentucky River Community Care is a private, nonprofit community mental health center dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of the people of our region; the funds provided by the non-profit assistance fund were instrumental in helping us support our staff and our consumers during these unprecedented times,” said Tracey Smith, program director at Kentucky River Community Care.
The funding comes from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, and Gov. Beshear supported the allocation of funds by the 2022 General Assembly. This funding will provide one-time, direct relief payments to support the mission and long-term sustainability of each eligible nonprofit.
Sky View Housing Development Progress
Gov. Beshear also announced progress on the future Sky View housing development in Perry County. A bridge will be strengthened to allow trucks and other heavy construction equipment to access Sky View Lane, which will lead to the housing development. Construction on the bridge began this morning and is expected to be completed in 4-6 weeks.
Earlier this month, Gov. Beshear and Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Federal Co-Chair Gayle Manchin announced $4.4 million in ARC funds will help bring water and sewer service to the future subdivision. These funds will be matched by $4.4 million in Eastern Kentucky SAFE funds, bringing the total to $8.8 million.
The Governor also joined community leaders at CANE Kitchen in Whitesburg today to discuss progress made in Letcher County following last year’s floods.