HOUSE BILL 9 - GOVERNMENT RESOURCES ACCELERATING NEEDED TRANSFORMATION (G.R.A.N.T.) PROGRAMDuring Regular Session 2023 (RS23), the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky enacted House Bill 9 (HB 9) and signed by the Governor April 7, 2023. Chapter 186 (HB 9) is an act relating to economic relief and support for priority communities in the Commonwealth designated by the Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization established by Presidential Executive Order 14008, issued on January 27, 2021. In enacting HB 9, with collaboration between the General Assembly and Governor’s Office, it is intended to create and establish the GRANT Program within the Department for Local Government (DLG) to enable priority communities to access federal funding for projects that are in the public interest and for a public purpose.
The GRANT Program is to be used for eligible recipients to support a local government’s non-federal match requirement when applying for a federal government grant program. Eligible recipients include a public agency (as defined in KRS 61.805) or nonprofit entity engaged in public benefit improvements to priority communities, who have or intend to apply for a federal program that requires a non-federal match.
The GRANT Program is to be used for eligible recipients to support a local government’s non-federal match requirement when applying for a federal government grant program. Eligible recipients include a public agency (as defined in KRS 61.805) or nonprofit entity engaged in public benefit improvements to priority communities, who have or intend to apply for a federal program that requires a non-federal match.
If that is not possible, an original and one copy can be submitted to the following contact information:
Office of State Grants
Department For Local Government
100 Airport Road Drive, 3rd Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
Contact: Aaron Jones 502-892-3450
House Bill 9 (Regular Session 2023)Application Priority Energy Communities by Area Development DistrictPriority Energy Communities by County