photo: Sandy Lee Watkins Park Trail, Henderson, KY |
Recreational Trails Program
The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). It can be used to provide assistance for acquisition of easements, development and/or maintenance of recreational trails and trailhead facilities for both motorized and non-motorized use. The Recreational Trails Program benefits communities and enhances quality of life.
All trails that have received FHWA funding must remain open to the public and maintained for perpetuity.
Who Can Apply:
Eligible applicants are city and county governments, state and federal agencies. Non-profit organizations must partner with a governmental entity.
Application Process:
The 2023 RTP Application is now available to download. To apply, submit an application between January 15 – May 31, 2024.
You must also submit to the
State Clearinghouse for the Intergovernmental Review Process or request an update on previous comments to be eligible for funding, as well as to SHPO and US Fish and Wildlife.
The minimum grant request is $25,000.00; the maximum grant request is $250,000.00.
This is a Federally funded, matching reimbursement grant program.
For more information, contact
Department of Federal Grants.
Additional Requirements:To assist Local Public Agencies (LPAs) with executing eligible transportation projects in accordance with federal transportation laws and regulations, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and the Kentucky Division of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have jointly developed the
LPA Guide - UPDATED 01/08/2021
Do you know what types of
Endangered Species are in your county?
For additional information about endangered species, ecology survey requirements, please contact
U.S. Fish & Wildlife or call the Kentucky Field Office at 502-695-0468.
Contact the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine if your project will require permits. Avoid impacts to wetlands; permits will be required if impacted.
Contact the
State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) to determine if an archaeology survey will be necessary prior to the construction of the proposed project. The Section 106 Review Process must also be completed if selected for funding.
All trail projects funded by FHWA require an ecology survey or a clearance letter from USFW prior to the construction of the proposed project. Please submit all required surveys and/or clearance letters to Jessica Hill.
Most projects will require engineering, will require plans and specs to be approved by KYTC and to complete the KYTC LPA Checklist. Other requirements include a Public Interest Finding (PIF) when utilizing force account or in-kind labor, Construction Inspection Plan, Erosion Sediment Measures, and Engineer Estimate. If Stock Pile Materials are used, there must be verification that it conforms to KYTC standards.
Trail Related Research and Publications:
Trail-related research and publications developed through FHWA or with FHWA support.
Trail Construction and Maintenance Guide-
Equestrian resources-
Equestrian Trailhead Guide Information-
Mountain bicycling guides-
Park Guidelines for Off Highway Vehicles-
Rail-trail resources-
Youth corps resources- Several publications through the
USDA Forest Service Technology & Development Program and the
Mechanized Trail Building Equipment website.
- Support for the
National Trails Training Partnership.
RTP 2017 Report .